In Brazil, EDP Renewables has inaugurated its largest wind farm complex in the world.
In February, EDP Renewables inaugurated its largest renewable complex in the world. With 138 wind turbines and a combined installed capacity of 580 MW, the complex was built in Rio Grande do Norte, a Brazilian state where the company already had a significant presence. It now has more than 800 MW in operation, with another 300+ under construction. EDP Renewables currently boasts more than 7 GW of solar and wind capacity in various stages of development in Brazil.
This complex includes the Monte Verde I–VI, Boqueirão I–II, and Jerusalém I–VI wind farms. Together, they have the capacity to generate more than 3 million MWh/year, enough electricity to power a city of more than 1.5 million people. The project will avoid the emission of more than 1 million metric tons of CO2 each year.

Consolidated growth
EDP Renewables has been consolidating its growth in Brazil since 2009, establishing itself as a leader in wind power generation.
The company currently employs 100 people and boasts over 1.1 GW of installed capacity (910 MW in wind power and 204 MW in solar PV). Its has power plants in operation and/or under construction in five states across the three most populous regions in Brazil: Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba (in the northeast); São Paulo (southeast); and Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul (south).
EDP Renewables expects to have a total installed capacity in the country of more than 1.3 MW by 2023. At the same time, it will bolster its presence in the solar power sector, which is also expected to continue to grow.
The potential for wind and solar power generation in Brazil is enormous. When it comes to wind power, the Brazilian Northeast Region has some of the highest capacity factors in the world, exceeding 50%. As for solar power, Brazil as a whole has one of the world’s highest solar irradiance levels, with capacity factors close to 30%.
Current projections suggest that this year’s investments may exceed R$100 billion, making Brazil one of EDP Renewables’ most important markets.
Monte Verde I-VI
Located in the municipalities of Lajes and Pedro Avelino, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. It is EDPR’s largest wind farm complex in operation in any of its 28 markets. Construction started in April 2021.

Boqueirão I-II
Located in the municipalities of Lajes and Caiçara do Rio do Vento in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Construction started in June 2021.

Jerusalém I-VI
Located in the municipalities of Lajes and Pedra Preta in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Construction started in January 2021.