In Brazil, promoting energy literacy in families and institutions.
The Eficiência em Casa campaign was one of the projects supported by EDP Brasil in the scope of the Energy Efficiency Program. The initiative's main objective was to promote energy literacy in families and institutions.
Teaching how to save
The Energy Efficiency Program (PEE), regulated by the National Agency of Electrical Energy (ANEEL), and implemented by energy distributors in Brazil, aims to actively contribute to improving energy efficiency in the country. The projects carried out under this program aim to encourage conservation and the rational use of electricity, as well as stimulate the use of new technologies.
Reaffirming its commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), defined by the United Nations, EDP has been mobilizing all the necessary resources to promote the implementation of energy efficiency projects, contributing significantly to energy saving and the use of renewable sources.
Projects supported under the Energy Efficiency Program
Despite the diversity and size of the projects, which result in very different results, EDP Brasil has already supported initiatives such as the hospital for children with cancer, in which the gains obtained, in terms of energy efficiency, were around 50%.
In total, in 2020, EDP Brasil supported 16 projects, which will enable the beneficiary institutions to save around 3,153 megawatt-hours (MWh/year) of energy, equivalent to the average annual consumption of approximately 1311 families.
EDP São Paulo supported the Eficiência Solidária project, an itinerant service station that invests in the awareness of residential customers for the efficient use of energy, making it possible to exchange common inefficient light bulbs - expected to be around 40 thousand - for LEDs.
In partnership with ENTRAJUDA, EDP carried out the Eficiência em Casa (Efficiency at Home) campaign, which aimed to promote energy literacy and consisted of a donation to this institution and the distribution of 5,000 kits (consisting of an informative brochure and an LED bulb) to some families, through 3rd sector partners of the EDP Foundation and ENTRAJUDA.
In addition, awareness-raising sessions on energy literacy were held for 3rd sector entities so that they could provide better support to families in this area.