Key data

Duration: 42 months

Overall budget: 15 M€

Demonstrations: Lisbon, Stockholm and Ljubljana

This project has been completed.


InteGrid is a project driven by three vectors: technological, market and regulatory-based and a social one. In line with its vision to bridge the gap between citizens and technology and humanize Smart Grids, the main objectives are:

  • to demonstrate how distribution system operators (DSOs) may enable the different stakeholders to actively participate in the energy market and to develop and implement new business models, making use of new data management and consumer involvement approaches;
  • to demonstrate scalable and replicable solutions in an integrated environment that enable DSOs to plan and operate the network with a high share of distributed renewable energy sources (DRES) in a stable, secure and economic way, using flexibility inherently offered by specific technologies and interaction with different stakeholders.

InteGrid also has the following seven ambitious specific objectives:

  • Demonstrate the feasibility of smart distribution networks coping with a high amount of DRES making use of available DER flexibility for various functions / business cases at costumer, network and system level;
  • Develop, implement and demonstrate integrated concepts making use of the complementarity of different technologies offering different types, degrees and levels of flexibility such as DR at various customer levels (domestic, commercial, industrial), Electrical storage (utility scale / domestic scale) and E-mobility;
  • Demonstrate smartened monitoring and automation in a secure, stable and integrated network;
  • Develop, implement and demonstrate a market hub concept to facilitate market access allowing new business models and services while ensuring efficient and secure network operation as well as highest standards of data security;
  • Develop, implement and demonstrate business models complying with different objectives among market-driven operation and secure network operation, also enabling to share benefits among stakeholders at distribution level;
  • Make a functional validation of the proposed concepts close to large scale in real-environment and commercial exploitation;
  • Investigate the potential for replication to other boundary conditions (other DRES landscape, markets setups, regulatory framework, etc.) and design detailed exploitation plans.



  • EDP Distribuição Energia, SA is the project coordinator.
  • NEW R&D leads Work Package 1 – Use Cases and System Architecture.



Lisbon District, Portugal:
"From smart grid to disruptive business models"

  • Large-scale, predictive and integrated management of the distribution grid aiming at combining new DER with existing assets, including customer's flexibility
  • Demonstration of the combined operation of DER and advanced grid automation

Stockholm, Sweden:
"consumer engagement towards sustainability"

  • City environment with high load factor and demand on reliability
  • Generation 2 smart subtractions
  • DR with engaged prosumers by energy forecast that facilitate home automation and better decision (incl. contextualized feedback)

Ljubliana, Slovenia:
"Self-sustainability facilitation"

  • Integration of existing systems like demand response, EV management, batteries and SCADA into a micro-grid concept that will support self-sustainability of residential prosumers, business prosumers or communities
  • Upgrade VPP with LV/MV optimization, control and forecasting algorithms and integration with market hub for exchange of flexibility and validation

NEW R&D’s scope

NEW R&D will participate directly in the deployment of the Portuguese demonstration, bringing in experience in energy storage technologies and energy management solutions and methodologies, in particular small-scale technologies for distributed applications. In this scope, NEW R&D will develop the dimensioning of the storage solutions and contribute to the conceiving of the uses cases related to the solutions.

NEW R&D will add the perspective of the retailer, since it works with EDP Comercial as a third party, especially concerning the development of business models applicable to demand-response schemes, including storage applications and self-consumption.

NEW R&D will also support the coordinator EDP Distribuição in the technical coordination and communication of the project, aiming to insure a coherent approach of all the demonstrations, facilitating their evaluation and replicability and scalability analysis and it dissemination.

