Key data

Start: october 2016

Completion: september 2020

Budget: 3.998.285 €



IntEnsys4EU is a coordination and support Action Group funded under the European Commission's Horizon 2020 program which aims to address Europe's Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-PLAN) by identifying new challenges for the transformation of the sector, in which consumers play an active and central role. The project also aims to improve energy efficiency and optimize the entire system by fostering supply security, profitable cost-efficiency, and the transition to a more sustainable and competitive economy.

Power grids play a crucial role in tackling these integration challenges. The project is managed by four independent Companies/Associations (ZABALA Innovation Consulting - coordinator - TECHNOFI, RSE, and BACHER Energie) with critical contributions from some European-level industry associations (ENTSO-E, EDSO, EASE, and EERA) in defining and implementing a new strategic approach to Research, Development and Innovation aimed at the power grids of the future.


  • Fostering greater integration of innovative solutions, with the goal of hosting 45% variable renewable sources by 2030, whilst operating the energy system in a safe, stable and protected manner;
  • Expanding the existing research and innovation roadmaps through permanent and direct interactions with both the stakeholders of the impacted energy system and all Member States, in order to validate the innovative solutions portfolio with appropriate financing mechanisms.

EDP Distribuição, an EDP Group company, is involved in the project.