edp announcement

EDP's Annual General Shareholders' meeting

Miércoles, 06 Abril 2022

Lisbon, April 6th, 2022:EDP - Energias de Portugal, S.A. (“EDP”) informs that at the General Shareholders Meeting held on April 6th, 2022 the Shareholders have approved the following resolutions:

  1. The annual and consolidated accounting documents for the financial year 2021, including the single management report (which includes a corporate governance chapter and the remuneration report), the annual report and opinion of the General and Supervisory Board (which integrates the annual report of the Financial Matters Committee/Audit Committee) and the statutory certification of the annual and consolidated accounts as well as the sustainability report (containing the consolidated non-financial statement and the 2030 Climate Change Commitment).
  2. The proposals for:

(i) allocation of EDP’s 2021 profits proposed by the Executive Board of Directors, amounting to €824,069,862.75, as follows: 

Legal Reserve…………………………………………€10,204,297.56

Contribution to EDP’s Foundation…....…....€6,200,000.00

Retained earnings………………….………..…..€807,665,565.19

   (ii) distribution of dividends proposed by the Executive Board of Directors, in the following amount:


(*which corresponds to a gross dividend of €0.19 per share)


  1. A general assessment of EDP's management and supervision in accordance with Article 455 of the Commercial Companies Code.
  2. Authorisation to the Executive Board of Directors to acquire and dispose of own shares by EDP and its subsidiary companies.
  3. Authorisation to the Executive Board of Directors to acquire and dispose of EDP-owned bonds.
  4. The election of Mafalda Miranda Barbosa as Vice-Chairman of the General Shareholders’ Meeting for the remainder of the current term of office (three-year period 2021-2023).



EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A.