Generating awareness about active citizenship values.
Sharing with Energy is an innovative program, developed by EDP Production, that assumes the mission to promote social, relational, and action skills, in high school and technical school students, bringing their attention and awareness to active citizenship values and supporting them in identifying their strong skills and opportunities in the territories where they’re inserted in.

To awaken the skill to make it happen
In the social responsibility area, EDP Production has been promoting initiatives that involve the communities where it’s placed, by supporting projects that encourage social, economical, and cultural development.
Sharing with Energy is an innovative program, that assumes the mission to provide the development of social, relational, and action skills for high school and technical school students, that otherwise, wouldn’t be as explored.
Additionally, it intends on awakening and bringing awareness to students about active citizenship values, supporting them in identifying their strong skills and opportunities in the territories where they’re inserted in. By challenging younger generations, EDP wants them to realize that, whenever they’re open and accept a challenge, they can make it happen.
Challenges, realizations, and exchange
The starting engine for this initiative happens when EDP comes into contact with schools within the regions where EDP holds energy production power plants so that these can define teams of students, made of seven to twelve students and two and three teachers, that might be interested in participating. Throughout the school year, four challenges are proposed, that will be divulged and streamlined, to help each team and each school to prepare, in a phased and structured approach, the exchange that will be held with one other participating school, always by the end of the year.
Exchange portrays the purpose to uncover the best well-kept secrets in each region ( locals, gastronomy, people, institutions); sharing with students from other schools; a visit to an EDP producing center, and streamlining a social nature activity. By experiencing these new events, students will then face the opportunity to make choices and implement their own ideas.
This Program centers its focus on the citizenship area since this will encourage behaviors, attitudes, and skills that aid students in better comprehending social interactions, opportunities, and constraints of the place where they live. With it, EDP intends on assisting with the training of responsible, autonomous, solidary citizens, that know and exercise their rights and duties, with dialogue and respect for others, with a democratic, pluralist, critical, and creative spirit.
Ultimately, this way, Sharing with Energy intends on providing, in an effective way and with the desirable transparency, the training of young people, based on principles, values, and skills that they will require when they eventually come into contact with the real world and the employment market.