Modernising the networks in an electrified world

The challenges of electricity transmission and distribution networks are to strengthen and modernise the structures, to increase efficiency levels and prepare them for an increasingly electrified world with increasingly distributed resources. Digitisation will also play a key role in supporting this transition, by automating numerous processes and increasing the intelligence of the network.

It is important to adapt the world's networks to the increase in energy consumption - driven by increasing electrification and population growth. Not forgetting the new requirements and uses, such as electric mobility, and the high diversity and intermittence of renewable energy generation sites. This is the path that EDP has been following, investing in renewables, but also in solutions for better network management.

A networked company

largest distribution operator in the Iberian Peninsula
Top 10
at the European level
millions of supply points worldwide
86.4 TWh
of electricity distributed in 2023

EDP: Growing networks


For the EDP Group's portfolio, in the first half of 2024, energy networks are a highly relevant operation in three countries: Portugal, Spain, and Brazil. As a whole, EDP's low, medium and high voltage lines measure close to 387.000 km, almost enough to go from Earth to the Moon.

wind farm

Portugal: ~235,000 km

+ 6 turns around Earth in distribution lines



Spain: ~53,000 km

the perimeter of Antarctica in distribution lines



Brazil: ~99,000 km

+ 2 turns around Earth in energy networks.

A growth plan

By 2026, distribution and transmission networks will be the subject of an extensive investment plan, amounting to 3,200 million euros, to reinforce the digitization, intelligence, resilience, and efficiency of all these infrastructures, critical for both EDP as well as for the countries, companies, or communities.

growth plan

Major goals

With transmission and distribution networks prepared to deal with flows in renewable production and changes in consumption patterns, EDP will always be ready to deliver electricity, efficiently, to tens of millions of consumers in Portugal, Spain, and Brazil.

Electricity: how does it work?

 How does electricity work?
 How does electricity work? - mobile

Turning a switch on and off may seem like a simple gesture. But there was a long way to go before we brought the energy to you.

Other EDP areas
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Customer services
At EDP, we listen to our customers and we ensure sustainable solutions.
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Renewable energy
A greener, fairer and safer world. This is what drives us to fight climate change.