Assembleias Gerais

De acordo com o contrato de sociedade, às reuniões da Assembleia Geral da EDP só podem assistir os accionistas com direito de voto, correspondendo a cada acção 1 voto.

Segundo os estatutos da EDP, não serão considerados os votos emitidos por um accionista, em nome próprio ou como representante de outro, que excedam 25% da totalidade dos votos correspondentes ao capital social.

Os accionistas que passem a deter uma participação igual ou superior a 5% dos direitos de voto ou do capital social, devem comunicar esse facto ao Conselho de Administração Executivo, no prazo de cinco dias úteis contados da data em que se tenha verificado a referida detenção, não podendo exercer os respectivos direitos de voto enquanto não houverem procedido a essa comunicação.

Para este efeito, consideram-se emitidos pelo mesmo accionista os direitos de voto que, nos termos do Código de Valores Mobiliários, são considerados como integrantes de uma participação importante; neste caso, os accionistas têm o dever de prestar ao Conselho de Administração, por escrito e de forma completa, objectiva, clara e verídica, e de forma satisfatória para este, todas as informações que o mesmo lhes solicite sobre factos que lhes digam respeito.

Formas de Participação

De acordo com o disposto no número 1 do artigo 14.º do Contrato de Sociedade, às reuniões da Assembleia Geral só podem assistir Accionistas com direito de voto, bem como as demais pessoas cuja presença seja considerada como justificada pelo Presidente da Mesa.

A cada acção corresponde um voto.

Os Accionistas apenas podem participar e votar na Assembleia Geral, pessoalmente ou por representação, ou exercer o seu direito de voto por correspondência, por via postal ou electrónica, se forem titulares de, pelo menos, uma acção às 00:00 horas (GMT) do quinto dia de negociação anterior à data da realização da Assembleia Geral (“Data de Registo”).

Os Accionistas que pretendam participar ou fazer-se representar na Assembleia Geral devem ainda declarar previamente essa intenção, por escrito, (i) ao Presidente da Mesa da Assembleia Geral e (ii) ao intermediário financeiro junto do qual se encontre aberta a conta de registo individualizado de valores mobiliários, o mais tardar, até às 23:59 horas (GMT) do dia de negociação anterior à Data de Registo. Para o efeito de comunicar a intenção de participação ao Presidente da Mesa da Assembleia Geral, os Accionistas podem recorrer ao formulário automático de declaração ou ao formulário em suporte papel que estará disponível neste site e na sede social, a partir da data de divulgação da convocatória.

Os Accionistas que tenham declarado a intenção de participar na Assembleia Geral, nos termos acima referidos, e transmitam a titularidade de acções entre a Data de Registo e o fim da Assembleia Geral, devem comunicá-lo imediatamente ao Presidente da Mesa da Assembleia Geral e à Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários. 

Formas de Participação
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Information elements available to Shareholders

Documents and information concerning the items on the agenda, as well as other elements set out in Article 289.1 of the Commercial Companies Code and Article 21c.1 of the Securities Code, will be available to the shareholders at the company’s head office and on this website from the date the meeting is convened. In order to make such information more easily accessible to the Shareholders, particularly foreign Shareholders or Shareholders living outside the Lisbon metropolitan area, we will send said information by postal mail, fax or email upon request by EDP’s Shareholders.

Voting by Proxy

Shareholders may be represented at the General Meeting by any person with full legal capacity appointed for that purpose.

For that purpose, Shareholders must write a signed letter to the Chairman of the General Meeting and send it, until 5 pm of the second day prior to the General Meeting, to the company’s head office, located at Praça Marquês de Pombal, No. 12, 1250-162 Lisbon.

Voting by Electronic Means

Shareholders who are entitled to attend the General Meeting may also exercise their voting rights by electronic means, provided that all the certification requirements - which shall be defined by the Chairman in the corresponding General Meeting notice - are met.

Voting by Post

Under Article 22 of the Portuguese Securities Code and Article 14 of the Articles of Association, Shareholders who are entitled to attend the General Meeting may also exercise their voting rights on each item on the agenda via postal mail letter; if the shareholder is a natural person, his/her signature must be identical to the one used on his/her identification document, of which a legible xerox copy must be included in the letter; if the shareholder is a legal person, the letter must include the signature of its representative, to be recognized under the same terms; in both cases, the letter should be addressed to the Chairman of the General Meeting, by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt, and delivered to the company’s head office at least three business days prior to date of the General Meeting, unless the corresponding convening notice determines a longer period.

The envelope shall contain a legible copy of the signer’s citizen card or identification card.

Shareholders may use a letter form to exercise their remote voting rights, which is available on this website or upon request at the company’s head office.

ADR Holders

ADR holders are granted the same rights as common shareholders.

The voting rights of ADR holders are calculated considering that each ADR represents 10 common shares.

Holders of rights representing shares under ADR programs may instruct their depositary banks to exercise their voting rights or grant a proxy to a representative appointed by EDP for that purpose, according to legal and statutory provisions; the deposit agreement regulates the deadlines and methods for exercising voting instructions, as well as the cases when such instructions are not available.

Proof of Ownership

All financial brokers who have been informed of their clients' intention to participate in the General Meeting shall send the Chairman of the General Meeting, until 11:59 pm (GMT) of the Registration Date, detailed information on the number of shares that are registered on behalf of each of its clients by 00:00 hours (GMT) of the Registration Date; for this purpose, they may use the following email

Inclusion of items in the agenda and presentation of draft resolutions

Under Article 23-A of the Portuguese Securities Code, all Shareholders holding shares that represent at least 2% of the company’s share capital may request the inclusion of certain items in the Agenda by means of a written request addressed to the Chairman of the General Meeting within 5 days following the publication of the convening notice; the request must enclose a draft resolution for each item the Shareholder wishes to include in the agenda.
Shareholders shall be informed of the amendment to the convening notice and of the draft resolutions for each new item through the same channels that have been used for the corresponding convening notice, until 00:00 (GMT) of the fifth trading day prior to the General Meeting.

Under Article 23-B of the Portuguese Securities Code, Shareholders holding shares that represent at least 2% of the company’s share capital may request the inclusion of draft proposals concerning the items mentioned in or subsequently added to the convening notice, by means of a written request addressed to the Chairman of the General Meeting within 5 days following the publication of the convening notice or its amendment, along with background information on the draft resolution.

The aforementioned draft resolutions and background information shall be disclosed to the Shareholders as soon as possible, through the same channels that have been used for the corresponding convening notice, up to ten days before the General Meeting.

If the requirements for the inclusion of items in the agenda or draft resolutions are not met, interested parties may legally require a new general meeting to decide on such items or draft resolutions.

Assembleias Gerais
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How can I participate on EDP's shareholders meetings?
According to EDP's by-laws, only shareholders with voting right may attend the general shareholder meetings. Each share corresponds to 1 vote.

The shareholders may participate on the shareholders meetings personally or being represented, or exercise their voting rights by mail, either post or electronic mail, if owning the shares, at least, since the fifth day prior to the shareholders meeting day and keeping that statute until the day it takes place.

The proof of ownership of shares is demonstrated by sending to the chairman of the Shareholders' Meeting Board, at least five business days before the event, a declaration issued and authenticated by the custodian financial intermediary. This declaration must state that these shares are registered in the respective account since, at least, the fifth business day prior to the event day and that the shares are blocked until the day the shareholders meeting occur.

What should I do to be represented at the shareholders meeting?

The shareholders which intend to be represented at the shareholders meetings should properly fill, sign and send a representation letter to the headquartes to the attention of the Chairman of the Shareholders ' Meeting Board.