1. The EDP Supplier Code of Conduct applies to entities that supply or intend to supply goods and services to any of the EDP Group companies (hereafter “Supplier” or “Suppliers”), which is deemed to be the group of companies in a control or group relationship with EDP, regardless of whether their headquarters are in Portugal or another country.

2. Approval and compliance with the Code of Conduct is a contractual obligation. It is a binding annex of the bidding documents for EDP Group procurement as well as in contracts for the supply of services or sale of goods, to be signed by the supplier and any EDP Group company. The contracts to be signed by the EDP Group and Suppliers shall envisage that in case of serious or systematic breach of this code, the EDP Group may terminate the contractual relationship.

3. This Code of Conduct does not establish commitments contrary to existing law, regulations or current contractual provisions, nor does it add or derogate from new rights. Its provisions and standards are supplementary in nature.

4. Suppliers should promote the adoption of sustainability policies in procurement and make the best efforts to ensure that levels of demand equivalent to those of this Code are also respected in their own supply chains.

Suppliers of the EDP Group agree to the following commitments, taking as reference the principle of highest demand:

Compliance commitments

a) Comply with national and international legislation in force that is applicable within the scope of the existing contractual relationship with the EDP Group, namely the laws, regulations, the operational, technical and sectoral rules and regulations, on matters such as: processing and protection of personal data, combating corruption, separation of activities in the sector, anti-trust, environment, health and safety, intellectual property rights, as well as the contractual arrangements established with the EDP Group companies.

b) Not to pursue, permit, consent to or collude with any activity, practice or conduct likely to constitute or appear to be an act of bribery and/or corruption, criminally punishable under applicable law. Also, to institute procedures and implement necessary and appropriate measures aimed at preventing their occurrence.

c) Respect internationally accepted corporate principles, values and best practices in matters concerning human rights, labor rights, workplace safety and health, prevention and combating corruption, and having measures in place to prohibit the practice of anti-trust acts or acts seeking to restrict competition in the market.

Ethical commitments

a) Promote and respect the highest ethical, moral and human integrity standards, in particular the principles enshrined in the EDP Group Code of Ethics.

b) Respect the principles and commitments with customers and communities, whenever acting on behalf of the EDP Group, working in their facilities or using their information.

c) Inform, through the Ethics Ombudsman or other EDP Group Ethics channels, of the existence of potential conflicts of interests in relations with the EDP Group, whether of a business or personal nature.

d) Refrain from offering gifts, goods or free services, or coerce or restrict EDP Group employees in any way to influence their business dealings with the EDP Group.

e) Truthfully and accurately convey information concerning management practices.

Environmental commitments

a) Comply with national legislation and international standards for environmental protection, and obtain the environmental certifications required for their business activities.

b) Identify, monitor and mitigate the environmental risks and impacts of their activities, products, materials and means of transport, promoting continuous improvement and conserving the environment.

c) Promote the continuous streamlining of the consumption of energy and natural resources and the reduction of emissions and waste generated by the business activity.

d) Comply with the EDP Group’s environmental requirements when acting on EDP Group premises or facilities or acting on behalf of the EDP Group.

Labor commitments

a) Respect freedom of association and the collective bargaining of their workers, establishing mechanisms of dialogue free from any reprisals or discrimination.

b) Ensure and promote the respect for free labor, based on fair and transparent contracts for workers, refusing to use and be complicit with forced labor, unjustified restrictions on free movement, misappropriation of documents and remuneration and human trafficking.

c) Respect diversity, promoting equality and non-discrimination based on race, age, gender and sexual or marital orientation, ethnic or national origin, name, disability, pregnancy, religion, politics, cultural or trade union orientation. Respecting also any other conditions that may be defined by contract or protected by applicable law.

d) Ensure adequate remuneration to workers, in accordance with current legislation and collective labor agreements, when applicable, which shall be paid on time, respecting the minimum wages established in each country, paying overtime and other compensation, social security contributions and taxes that are due.

e) Ensure compliance with current labor legislation and collective labor agreements, when applicable, regarding the maximum normal and supplementary working hours, as well as the rest periods and rest days.

f) Prevent any form of child labor, under national regulations and ILO 138 of the International Labor Organization.

g) Establish disciplinary measures and procedures in accordance with the laws and international conventions, publicizing the standards and ensuring the hearing and defence by those accused of disciplinary breaches, and preventing in all cases any intimidation, verbal or physical abuse or aggression, or any other type of moral or physical harassment.

Workplace Safety and Health commitments

a) Comply with national legislation and international standards in force on workplace safety and health, as well as the EDP Safety Policy and the specific certifications required, observing the precautionary principle in all activities, promoting responsibility and the awareness of everyone involved.

b) Identify, monitor and record all risks associated with their activity and specific work tasks, establishing prevention, reduction and continuous improvement measures.

c) Train the workers and equip them with the means and equipment for their personal protection, ensuring they have adequate working conditions.

d) Define accident management and emergency preparation measures appropriate to the type of activity, location and circumstances.

e) Comply with the EDP Group’s Safety and Health requirements when acting on EDP Group premises or facilities or acting on behalf of the EDP Group.

Community and Human Rights commitments

a) Promote the consultation, respect and protection of human rights, the dignity of people and privacy of each individual, of the communities on which the business activities impact in their area of influence.

b) Ensure that all business activities are conducted without recourse to violence or abuse and reject and refuse any complicity with human rights violations.

Management commitments

a) Adopt management procedures that permit compliance with this Code to be monitored. There is an obligation to report any serious breaches to EDP and to provide evidence of compliance when requested by EDP.

b) Ensure that all persons employed, regardless of the nature of the legal relationship, comply with the provisions of this Code of Conduct and are informed, qualified and competent to perform their duties in accordance with its terms.

This code was approved by the Executive Board of Directors (EBD) on May 12th 2017.