In 2014, a group-wide Corporate Internal Mobility Project was approved, planned and intimately connected to employee development and change, to reinforce the culture and sharing of knowledge by promoting interaction among employees with different backgrounds and experience; increasing satisfaction and productivity; making best use of the employee and enhancing his/her skills in preparation for new challenges and responsibilities.

Given the current size of the EDP Group, the following types of internal mobility were identified:

  • Short-term mobility (3 to 6 months): for other areas/companies with projects and specific needs. It may be intra- or inter-company, in the local or international sphere.
  • Long-term mobility:
  1. Mobility by campaign: opportunity for employees to participate in global campaigns, posted on the internet, occupying positions in any geographical area.
  2. Planned mobility: mobility structured and planned, in the local context, which may be intra- or inter-company.

The EDP Group's International Mobility Policy regulates movements across geographical areas, including those mentioned above (whenever they involve an international context).

The Local policy was approved by the Executive Board of Directors (EBD) on September 9th 2014, and the International one on January 17th 2017.