Save to compete (S2C) is a program created by EDP in 2012, which promotes energy efficiency, competitiveness and innovation in SMEs and large companies in the Portuguese and Spanish industrial sectors. Through an innovative business model, this project allows for the payment of investments in energy efficiency solutions with the savings generated over time by those investments. This prevents the beneficiary company from having to invest directly, thus not compromising the financial resources necessary for the growth of its business.

This pioneering project, with an innovative approach and an important aspect of environmental sustainability, has a large digital component.

Throughout the customer's entire life cycle, this digital component of Save to Compete plays a central role: from the simulation of savings estimates to the submission of the application and the selection of energy efficiency measures (similar to a process purchase at an online store).

When accessing the S2C platform, companies have access to concrete and customized energy efficiency proposals, and their savings potential. The savings potential for a given company is broken down by measure: solar energy, efficient lighting, consumption management, increased voltage level, high-performance motors, power factor correction, electronic speed and compressed air variables. The greater the number of measures selected, the greater the potential savings for the company. The application can also be submitted through the platform, after which the project is subject to evaluation by EDP and, subsequently, implemented.

Saving 22 million euros by reducing CO2 emissions

Over the years, the growth in the number of partners, including the largest Portuguese and Spanish associations, has helped publicize the Save to Compete program and attract an increasing number of companies. In addition to saving over 22 million euros (215 thousand MWh), CO2 emissions were reduced by more than 83 thousand tons.

Having emerged in a context of economic crisis - in which the reduction of energy costs was absolutely fundamental for the survival of many companies - the success of Save to Compete has made it a case study at national level and in other countries. In a scenario of increasing digitalization of the economy, in which competitiveness and innovation are increasingly essential to ensure the success of companies, the program promises to continue growing organically and to cement EDP as an excellent business partner.