We Choose Earth, together
Our purpose is clear: decarbonise the planet. For this we believe in working in partnership, with the support of suppliers and stakeholders, all aligned with the same objectives, in a transparent relationship.
Organizations where we are present
American Wind Energy Association (AWEA)
The American Wind Energy Association is a national association in the United States representing the players in the wind power industry. With hundreds of members, ranging from utilities, researchers, parts manufacturers and energy companies, AWEA promotes wind energy as a clean source of electricity for American consumers. The wind force is creating a major impact on combating climate change and reducing greenhouse gases. Through sustainable initiatives, the association hopes to change attitudes and improve the environment. EDP is one of the partner companies.
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APREAN Renewable Spain
APREAN Renewable arose from the need to coordinate the action of the companies promoting and producing wind power, photo-voltaic panels or biomass energy. The association acts as a liaison between the Local and Central Government in Spain, as well as with all public and private bodies. Its main objective is to act as a representative for its members and to both coordinate and participate in the economic, professional and business interests of its members. The organization is responsible for providing all the necessary information to its members, like legislation, studies or research in this area, as well as training and workshops. APREAN Renewable is also a member and plays an active role in the Wind Power Companies Association (AEE), of which EDP is a member.
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B4SI - Corporate Citizenship
The EDP Group is a member of B4SI - Business for Societal Impact (formerly LBG) since 2008, a working group consisting of more than a hundred large International companies that aims to measure the return on investment made for the benefit of society. This model of voluntary membership allows companies to assess how they are promoting the development of the Community in a more consistent and rigorous way. The B4SI model enables EDP to register the social impact of its social investment projects/activities. At the same time, it also allows the group's shareholders to confirm the results of their investments in social organizations projects.
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The Business Board for Sustainable Development is a nonprofit association created in October of 2001 by the initiative of the companies Sonae, Cimpor and Soporcel, associated with WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development) with another 33 leading national companies with the mission to transpose the guiding principles of WBCSD to the national level. The main mission of BCSD Portugal is to make business leadership become a catalyst for change toward sustainable development and to promote eco-efficiency, innovation and social responsibility in the companies. EDP is part of the management of BCSD since its founding 15 years ago and is also a member of the WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development), the parent company of BCSD Portugal. In 2017, EDP subscribed BCSD’s Letter of Intent. This document establishes the main sustainability principles that the subscribing companies voluntarily adopt and seek to extend to their value chain.
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Bettercoal is a non-profit organization, whose mission is to promote the continuous improvement of environmental, social and ethical practices in the coal supply chain. EDP is part of the mining companies of this association that fulfills the code of conduct. The practices and performance of mining companies are audited in order to ensure code compliance and, if necessary, establish corrective and improvement plans.
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Business Pact for Integrity and against Corruption
Established in 2006 by the Ethos Institute for Business and Social Responsibility in partnership with other entities, the Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption was drawn from debates on issues related to corruption. Aware of the importance of their role, EDP joined other companies in order to promote a more principled and ethical market, eliminating bribery and corruption. Among the topics dealt with are public procurement, campaign financing, misappropriation of public resources and government advertising. EDP has participated in Brazil since 2007 and is a member of the Working Group that coordinates initiatives throughout the country.
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Canadian Wind Energy Association
It is the only association in the world that supports all businesses that offer a wide range of renewable energy solutions for rural electrification in developing and emerging countries. EDP is the Alliance board member for Rural Electrification, whose focus is the promotion and development of off-grid renewable energy solutions. Built in 2006, this international association with over 70 members from industry, Academia and NGOs, serves for sharing knowledge and best practices on access to energy.
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CGI: Clinton Global Initiative
Since 2005, the Clinton Global Initiative promotes meetings of head of state, CEOs, NGO directors and philanthropists in order to create and implement solutions for major issues of the world. Its mission is to promote partnerships, strategic advice and empower organizations of the private sector, public sector and civil society to create solutions to the world's most pressing challenges and maximize their efforts to alleviate poverty, create a cleaner environment, and increase access to health and education. EDP is a member of the initiative created by former US President Bill Clinton. In partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), EDP presented the pilot project for the Kakuma Refugee Camp, in Kenya, during the 5th annual conference of the Clinton Global Initiative. The primary goal of this project is contributing to meet the basic energy needs of the refugees in the aforementioned camp, through access to renewable energy systems. In 2016, the electrification project of the village of Titimane, in northern Mozambique, was also presented at the annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative in New York. Without access to the electrical network of the country, this rural community will have a separate network fueled by renewable energy generated by solar panels and a biomass central fueled by cotton stubble cultivated by small farmers in the region. EDP GROUP | scope: A2E
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EURELECTRIC is a professional association, established in December of 1999, which represents the common interests of the European electricity industry, as well as its affiliates and associates in other continents. Its mission is to contribute to the development and competitiveness of the electricity sector and promote the role as a social generator for electricity. EDP has been a full member of this association since its constitution and is represented in the areas of business and in the various working groups of EURELECTRIC.
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European Wind Energy Association (EWEA)
EWEA is the voice of the wind industry, actively promoting the use of wind power in Europe and worldwide, and representing the wind sector development before the European Commission. The association defends wind generation support. In 2015, EWEA participated in the European Commission stakeholder consultation on the new renewable energy directive (REDII) for the period 2020-2030. EDP supports EWEA’s position on climate change legislation.
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The FUNSEAM is a nonprofit organization whose primary mission is the development of activities in the energy and environmental sustainability field. Founded in September of 2011, FUNSEAM is defined as a leading center of reference in the energy debate and as creator of discussions on this topic. Over the years, in conjunction with the University of Barcelona, it developed academic research to create new ideas, improve information and influence public and private decision making. Its scope will also cross borders. All its work has been possible thanks to the collaboration of the eight major Spanish energy companies REPSOL, ENDESA, ACS, ENAGÁS, CLH, GAS NATURAL FENOSA, CEPSA and EDP Renewables.
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The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (GACC) is a public-private partnership that aims to save lives, improve quality of life, autonomy of women and combat climate change by creating a thriving global market for clean and efficient solutions for domestic kitchens. EDP is Core & Implementing Partner of this public-private initiative led by the United Nations Foundation with a budget of $ 50 million, that by 2020 wants to promote access to kitchen solutions and clean fuels for 100 million homes, to improve the living conditions of populations and fight climate change.
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National Pact Eradication Slave Labor
In 2005, the National Pact for the Eradication of Slave Labor was launched, which brings together Brazilian companies that have committed not to negotiate with those who exploit slave labor. One of the major points of the Pact is that the signatories undertake to comply with the 10 lines of action that companies must develop to confront slave labor in their supply chains. Compliance with these commitments is controlled annually. Anyone who does not comply can be suspended or deleted from the Covenant. The InPACTO (Institute of the National Pact for the Eradication of Slave Labor) is responsible for managing the Pact. EDP in Brazil formally assumed the commitment in 2009, to avoid the risk of forced or compulsory labor and slavery in its production chain.
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Portuguese Energy Association (APE)
The Portuguese Energy Association includes leading companies in the energy sector, manufacturing and services as members. There are over 40 associates from different areas, such as production, transport, energy distribution, renewable energy, among others. The work of the APE comprises of implementation projects for the collection and dissemination of information in the fields of power and sustainability relevant to both national and international energy markets, as well as the participation in projects of the World Energy Council and the publication of its respective conclusions. EDP is one of the founders of this association.
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SEforALL: Sustainable Energy for All
The former Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, launched the Sustainable Energy for All (SEforAll) in 2011 focusing on three goals: providing universal access to modern energy services; double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency and double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. SEforAll is linked both to the United Nations and the World Bank and seeks to link business, industry, NGOs and public and private organizations. EDP is a member of the pioneering initiative of the United Nations Foundation to promote universal access to energy by 2030 and to promote the participation in the development of approaches to achieve this goal.
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TDA (Transport Decarbonization Alliance)
The Transport Decarbonization Alliance (TDA) represents a collaborative group of countries, cities/regions and companies (3C’s) with an ambition to accelerate the global decarbonization of the transport sector by 2050. TDA was launched in 2018, the same year EDP joined as a founding member. Tangible action is one of the goals of TDA, organized in Communities of Interest (CoI) that represent working groups where 3C’s members come together to develop and exchange information on best practices, challenges and solutions. Still in 2018, EDP participated on the CoI Fast Track on Transport Decarbonization, being also part of the CoI Urban Freight and the CoI Executive Education on Transport Decarbonization. Given the importance of transport electrification for decarbonization, electric mobility is one of the commitments of the decarbonization strategy assumed by EDP. Hence, its active participation on TDA is part of the latter strategic axis, seeking collective and global solutions to accelerate the sector's transition.
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The Alliance for Rural Electrification
It is the only association in the world that supports all businesses that offer a wide range of renewable energy solutions for rural electrification in developing and emerging countries. EDP is the Alliance board member for Rural Electrification, whose focus is the promotion and development of off-grid renewable energy solutions. Built in 2006, this international association with over 70 members from industry, Academia and NGOs, serves for sharing knowledge and best practices on access to energy.
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UN Global Compact
Aligned with the commitment to adopt the best international practices in the areas of human rights, labor relations, environment and anti-corruption, EDP signed the Global Pact, in 2003. Founded in the year 2000, the initiative was developed by former Secretary-General of UN Kofi Annan. The idea is to mobilize the international business community to adopt its fundamental business practices and internationally accepted values for the development of a more inclusive and sustainable global economy. Support means that the participating companies have their activities guided by 10 general principles that relate to business attitudes concerning human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. The Global Compact principles are aligned with Sustainable Development Goals, approved at the United Nations.
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UNF: United Nations Foundation
The United Nations Foundation is one of the international organizations with the ability and vision to solve global problems, mobilizing the experience and energy of business and non-governmental organizations to assist in resolving issues such as climate change, global health, peace, security, eradicating problems, access to energy and other challenges. EDP is a partner of this organization, whose purpose is to find solutions to global challenges such as energy, health and gender, through the mobilization of people, ideas and resources. At the Conference on Sustainable Development Rio+20, in June of 2012, Rio+Social was held jointly, an event that promotes dialogue on issues ranging from technology and sustainable energy to poverty eradication.
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The World Business Council for Sustainable Development is the world's leading organization in the business approach to issues regarding sustainable development, which at present brings together more than 190 leading companies of its business areas globally (among which EDP). In partnership with the WBCSD, through LCTPi (Low Carbon Technology Partnership initiative), EDP is working to develop solutions and proposals to speed up the entry of renewables in the global energy mix. Thus, EDP has set targets in the commitment to decarbonization, based on increasing renewable energies and improving energy efficiency. For example, increasing the share of renewables in the production mix to 75% by 2020 and to reduce the specific CO2 emissions by 75% were just some of the measures that the EDP Group established.
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Wind Energy Foundation (WEF)
Conscious of its role, the AWEA association created the nonprofit foundation, Wind Energy, to create awareness among the public of the advantages of using wind as a source of energy for domestic use. Through the efforts made with communication, research and education, the foundation was born in order to educate the public about the benefits of wind energy. The foundation is also committed to support research and studies for wind energy growth. Headquartered in Washington, the foundation was established in 2010 and EDP is a partner company supporting the WEF in the legislation on climate change.
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World Safety Declaration
Discussion, the sharing of experiences and the dissemination of good practices represent valuable contributions, which we can give and receive to improve the safety and the quality of life of the workers. It is in this spirit that EDP signed, as a founding member, the "World Safety Declaration" (Universal Declaration for Safety at Work), which aims to promote worldwide debate and the sharing of best practices among organizations, with the objective of publicizing and facilitating the construction of a culture of prevention. The statement argues that individuals and organizations have the right and the moral duty to make a commitment to improve safety conditions and that security, whether in the workplace or at home, is an achievable goal.
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Global Alliance for Sustainable Energy
The Global Alliance is an independent organization open to all actors recognizing the urgency of tackling the climate emergency according to the ‘just transition’ principles and the need to promote and embed sustainability and social responsibility in the renewable energy industry. It is committed to the widespread adoption of best practices and the definition of sustainability standards across the renewable energy value chain, through education and partnerships.
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ESG Supply Chain Main Figures 2023
The effective integration of ESG criteria into the supply chain allows EDP to improve management and risk mitigation, thereby contributing to the resilience of the organization in the global landscape. Given the dynamism present in the global ESG context, it becomes crucial to understand and adapt to ESG requirements by implementing strategies that involve data collection and regular engagement with stakeholders as a guarantee of future competitiveness
Choosing positivity with the support of our suppliers
To create a new energy on the planet we require strategic partners. We work based on trust relationships, in the optic of partnership, and are guided by shared principles like ethics, transparency, and cooperation.
Listening, understanding and collaborating with our stakeholders allows us to anticipate challenges, minimise business risks and create new relationship opportunities. The involvement of stakeholders in the EDP Group is a strategic priority for keeping an open and transparent dialogue between EDP and the interested parties.
The decisions need to be taken in a sustainable manner. Using a Materiality procedure we identify the relevance of the non-financial issues, for our stakeholders, crossing it with their relevance in terms of business priorities and strategy. This analysis supports the decision-making procedure and the development of strategies within the organisation, namely the definition of how to act at the sustainability level.
Transparency above all
We value transparency in our institutional relationships, so, we develop our activity intending to create awareness in the minds of those responsible for the creation of the policies and legislation to defend the legitimate interests of our company and the sector.