We harness the wind energy

With wind turbines in operation and under development in 16 markets, we are one of the world's largest producers of wind energy, considered one of the most important sources of energy. It is renewable, does not run out, and is easily produced all over the planet. It is not limited to high ground, or even land areas, as wind turbines can be installed with relative ease in the water, in coastal areas or even on the high seas, such as with the Windfloat wind farm.

Our installed wind capacity in 1S24

wind farm

12.799 GW

in the first half of 2024 (EBITDA + Equity GW)

Wind represents


of our installed renewable capacity

We are committed to developing and expanding our solar portfolio. We will continue to grow in the coming years, on all continents.

5,0 GW Wind production capacity
by 2026

Wind onshore

North America
+2.1 GW
  • Our 4 regional hubs
+1.5 GW
South America
+1.3 GW
+0.1 GW

Offshore wind

Current offshore wind portfolio

Global Values
17 GW Portfolio

Towards winds and tides

In the water, the offshore towers can be fixed or on floating platforms,
such as EDP's Windfloat Atlantic wind farm in Portugal.

A favor de ventos e marés

Onshore wind farms

  • Wind farms with more towers
  • Lower installation costs
  • Production already exceeds 7MW per turbine

Offshore wind farms

  • More efficiency in production
  • Strong and constant winds
  • Higher turbines


The strength of the wind at sea

Windfloat is a pioneering project from EDP, which puts us at the forefront of innovation with regard to offshore wind energy. Its turbines produce 25MW per year, equivalent to the energy consumed by 25 thousand families in a year.

O windfloat é um projeto pioneiro na área da energia eólica offshore

On land or at sea, with the force of the wind blowing the change in the electricity sector, we will continue to be a leader in the energy transition as a whole, and in wind generation in particular.