08 Jun 2022
3 min

The School of Electricians for Women is an EDP Brazil initiative implemented under the scope of an EDP Group broader initiative to increase gender diversity and equity. EDP’s commitment with this strategy was assumed through the incorporation, by EDP Group, of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in its strategic growth, mainly SDG5: Gender Equality and the endorsement, by EDP Brazil, in 2017, of the Principles of Women Empowerment established by the UN.

How was the School of Electricians for Women born?

The School  of Electricians exists since 2011 at EDP Brazil, in São Paulo, as a result of a partnership between the Company and the National Industrial Learning Service (SENAI in its Portuguese initials). 

The program is free, students receive a financial aid during the course period, earning a certificate and are incorporated in the EDP talent pool, being able to participate in selective processes at EDP and its partners.

The course has theoretical and practical lessons regarding the principles and laws governing the operation of electrical systems. The aim is for participants to learn about the procedures and techniques necessary for network planning, execution, evaluation and inspection, as well as for preventive and corrective maintenance, within technical and safety standards.

"I'm still reflecting on the importance of pioneering the School of Electricians Exclusive for Women. We have to do a good job not only for us, but for the other girls to come, who depend on our performance. We are a mirror for others, a door that will be opened. If this bet, which is us, works out, new classes at the Exclusive Electrician School for Women will be formed and new women will be hired".

Luana Caroline Reis Franca - Eletricista de Rede.

Including women in the project

Although not existing differences between men and women in the subscription process, when the course got to the score of 300 participants, none of these were women. To respond to this reality, the school implemented a project introduced changes in the selection criteria, increased the qualification hours, included follow-up steps for women and a specific training action addressed to the electricians to receive the new colleagues.

3 Schools for Women

In this context, the first School of Electricians for Women was born, in Mogi das Cruzes, that started in August of 2018. For 16 places in school, there were 550 registrations including women of various ages and backgrounds.  With this good result, it was decided to open a new electrician school in Taubaté (another city in EDP’s concession area). As this new school had 600 registrations, EDP Brazil opened a third school in Mogi das Cruzes.

The first school in Mogi das Cruzes graduated 16 women in November 2018, 7 of which were hired by EDP. Thus, by the middle of 2019, the project will have trained 40 women as electricians.

Why is this project so important to EDP?

This initiative helps to translate our commitments with sustainable commitment in a specific action that simultaneously:

•    promotes the inclusion of women in the labor market
•    increases equality, breaking gender paradigms into the profession of electrician
•    assures greater social justice
•    provides an opportunity to generate competitive advantage to the business

This pioneering project meets EDP's culture guidelines, which value diversity. The School of Electricians for Women fosters the inclusion of women in a sector known as masculine, allowing the multiplication of possibilities for all in a more equal and just way, and at the same time offering the company an opportunity to grow have its business growing in a competitive way.