In Malawi, improving access to drinking water in schools to reduce diseases.
Many children today, including those who spend most of their time in school, unfortunately do not have access to safe water and remain exposed to diseases like diarrhoea, dysentery and cholera. Providing adequate and quality water in schools is critical to our efforts to reduce the burden of disease and promote education. And water supply is among the factors contributing to low school attendance and retention levels.
Climate Resilient Water Supply System for Schools and Communities in Nsanje
UNICEF (Spain)
Malawi, Nsanje, District of the southern region of Malawi
In Malawi, only 82% of schools have access to safe water, and it is estimated that over 30% of the improved water points are not even functioning, thus reducing effective coverage. The majority of population and schools rely on groundwater, with most of wells provided with hand pumps that are not suitable for deep well settings.
With this project UNICEF aims at improving access to safely managed water to communities and schools. The solar powered water system is a reliable, sustainable, user friendly and green technology solution for rural communities, and with adequate storage, offers additional benefits to the water users:
- Access to safely managed water supply, improved ease of use for women and children
- More time for other activities for women
- Freedom for children to go to school and study
- No pollution from burning of fossil fuel
Expected outputs:
- 2 boreholes are built
- 2000 children in 2 primary schools have access to safe water
- 4000 people in surrounding communities have access to safe water
- 2 management water committees created, and 4 members of the communities trained operators
Status February 2022:
- Construction of both boreholes and associated infrastructure
- 6,585 people (57% women and school children) in the communities accessing safe water
- Creation of two Water Management Committees, with a total of 16 members trained in borehole maintenance and management
- Increase of enrolment rates with the schools
- Execution rate: 100%*