Analytics4Vegetation, a project developed by E-REDES with the support of EDP Inovação, is a tool for controlling protection zones around high and medium voltage overhead lines, in a scenario where climate change and extreme phenomena increase the risks to the safety of electricity networks.

The tool calculates vegetation growth using various parameters and variables to predict the growth of each plant species, using artificial intelligence techniques, resulting in the generation of alerts for potential situations where vegetation interferes with the electricity grid. If the owners of the land have not acted, and a situation of risk to people and property is expected, work orders to prune or cut back the vegetation are carried out.

In this way, E-REDES is able to guarantee the monitoring of 68,000 kilometres of HV and MV overhead lines in relation to the regulated safety distances, and substitute itself for the owners when the safety of people and property is compromised.

Efficient vegetation management; Greater security with more reliable up-to-date information on risk areas
Efficient vegetation management; Greater security with more reliable up-to-date information on risk areas

Project under implementation

The Analytics4Vegetation project has been under implementation since 2022 at national level. Since then, the project has been continuously improved to make growth forecasts more appropriate and reliable. This approach aims to mitigate false alarm situations and the need to travel, resulting in the optimisation of vegetation management resources.

This innovative solution enables effective control of vegetation and forests, guaranteeing more responsible and sustainable biodiversity conservation. The aim is to ensure the safety of electricity networks, while contributing to the preservation of the environment and biodiversity.