Why teach environmental education in schools

Environmental education should be a priority from an early age, because of its impact on our future. Learn the importance of these projects in schools.

Environmental education helps to shape conscious adults about their involvement and the importance of the role they play in the current world as well as the future world. In this article, we discuss the primary actions to develop and their impact on the collective consciousness.

Environmental education has been increasingly relevant for a very simple reason: it’s becoming more necessary. The environment has suffered deep changes and it’s necessary to defend it. One of the best ways to do it is, undoubtedly, to bring awareness to future generations. Yes, children are the future and perform an absolutely essential role in preserving and maintaining the planet.

In order for future adults to become real nature agents, children of the present must understand the importance of the environment for life in general and the importance of our roles in their protection.

What is environmental education? 

Embedded in citizenship, environmental education provides awareness of ecological reality and teaches and introduces behaviors that promote the preservation of the environment and the planet. It intends on providing knowledge and useful current definitions but, above anything else, to construct a network of value, expertise, and behaviors that are used and directed to environmental preservation, to obtain a superior quality of life, common good, and sustainability in general.

Environmental awareness should be developed since childhood, so that rooted values are created that will follow unto adult life. Promoting a sustainable and respected attitude isn’t about an individual issue, but a global matter that affects society and its participants.

Environmental education aims for the common good and should prepare future generations to exercise conscious citizenship and be highly informed about the current ecological overview. Specifically, it should concern climate changes, reduction of biodiversity, sustainable development, urban ecology, energy transition, and every related issue.

Environmental education is framed in the 4th objective - Quality Education - from 17 Sustainable Development Goals designed by the UN (United Nations) in 2015. This objective has set, that by 2030, every student should acquire the knowledge and resources necessary for the promotion of sustainable development. How? Through education for this sustainable development and lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a peaceful and non-violent culture, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity, and contribution of culture for sustainable development.

How to educate and create environmental awareness

Awareness and environmental sensitivity may be awakened through the recreational-pedagogical activities associated with sustainability. This means it goes through small gestures like rehearsing and recycling, or through activities of a higher level, like learning the impact of small daily choices we make.

Depending on age, these activities may adopt different formats and languages, but always with common objectives. Count some of these objectives: 

  • Understanding concepts, rights, and duties;
  • Awareness of their behaviors and the influence they exert on the environment;
  • Recognition of needs as well as the preservation of biodiversity and nature in general;
  • Skills acquisition that allow having a sustainable attitude when it comes to consumption;
  • Development of critical thinking and observation of the surroundings.

The learning process leads to an understanding of the world and the current environment, and of the relationship that we establish and should establish with nature. The integration in the community, from both students and teachers, will help to hold responsible and to motivate the change in sustainable behaviors. No action is neutral: it should always be framed considering the consequences for the environment.

In that sense, environmental education looks to create awareness in younger people and their behaviors, the behaviors of the ones that surround them (community), and the behaviors of the companies that produce what we buy, everyone has an impact on the world we live, and in our future. 

Working on the future in the present

According to UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), environmental education should be a part of the schools' curriculum by 2025. Because Education is one of the most powerful tools there is, it can and should be a path to transform the relationship we have with nature.

The preservation of the environment and biodiversity, the protection of territory and landscape, and the fight against climate change are responsibilities that cross generations. It’s the adults' and educational institutions’ responsibility to introduce the concept of sustainability and induce awareness towards action. There is a responsibility of the future generations to put into practice or give continuity to gestures and actions of nature’s protection into action.

The knowledge and awareness through environmental education must stimulate children and youngsters to interpret and assess, think and come up with ideas or solutions, and provide them with the ability to participate and take decisions about their planet. In this sense, Fundação EDP or EDP Foundation, promotes local initiatives with the objective of providing the necessary tools and promoting the discussion.

There are several initiatives proposed by the EDP Foundation, such as Conversas com Energia or Discussions with Energy, which started in April 2022 that intend on promoting the dialogue and discussion about the past, present, and future of our planet; and the project Viva Nuestra Energia, whose goal is to explain to younger crowds what is renewable energy in a recreational-educational way.

Furthermore, we highlight Bairros com Energia or Energy Hoods, a project that promotes community workshops and intends on giving the community and their involved parties a key role in the preservation and spatial development of that same community. To that effect, collaborative dynamics are created between associations, architects, artists, and other members of the community, so that integrated solutions are created to promote a sustainable future. 

The feeling of inclusion and belonging in nature should lead to a mindset that promotes the quality of life and protection of the environment. When it comes to this community responsibility, environmental education isn’t exclusive to schools and should be encouraged by everyone, inside and out of schools, in and out of our homes. 

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