Sede EDP

Clarification on the measures adopted by the State Prosecutor

Friday 05, June 2020

The document released today is merely the State Prosecutor's recommendations with regard to measures of constraint.

It is not a decision by the Criminal Court Proceedings Judge regarding the application of those measures to any defendant.

The notified document is a request, not a decision, and can be challenged. The parties can challenge the document until June 15, 2020.

The State Prosecutor's request is absolutely disproportionate, senseless, and illegal.

The facts on which the criminal charges are based remain entirely unfounded.

Running contrary to unchallenged, constant and uniform jurisprudence in such matters, the document does not evoke any concrete dangers to justify the application of measures of constraint, as required by law.

It is thus difficult to understand the reasons that motivate the request to apply harsher measures of constraint to António Mexia and João Manso Neto, exactly three years after they were formally named as suspects. Because the State Prosecutor simply does not adduce any reasons for this request.

Since this document is a mere proposal, the position of the State Prosecutor's has no effect on the management of EDP.