In Brazil, improving the quality of life of the students and teachers.
The EDP Program in Schools is all about making life better for students and teachers. Each year, the program includes lots of different activities, such as delivering schoolbooks, training teachers and putting together courses that combine education, culture and sustainability.
Initiatives to improve access to education
To say that children are the future is a cliché, however, nothing is more real than this. It’s precisely the baseline on which the EDP Program in Schools stands in, a program that has the objective to improve the quality of life not only of the students but also teachers and principals, which is developed through a calendar of annual activities that is customized to the reality of the school in question. To learn, it is also necessary to get out of the classroom’s routine and stimulate the five senses of each student. The annual calendar of the EDP Program in Schools may encompass a wide range of records. From the delivery of basic kits of school material to the training of teachers, by providing them with training in a myriad of areas, going through the development of activities that promote civic and ecological conscience, and the distribution of books that promote reading.
One of the great pillars is the promotion of reading
It’s essential that students understand the importance of reading and being well-informed about what’s happening around them. Only in this way does it become possible to raise future adults with a critical conscience, that thinks ahead, takes action, and that provides contributions, be it of a social, environmental, or cultural nature.
Reaching where necessity is a reality
The EDP Program in Schools, throughout these last 20 years, has been able to support over 250.000 students and 15.000 teachers in nearly 850 schools, that otherwise wouldn’t have access to school material, teacher’s training, and so many learning initiatives that stimulate the educational process. This project, one of the oldest from the EDP Institute, essentially acts within communities that have any type of hardship, be it financial, material, or of human resources, trying, conjointly with the schools, to suppress some of those issues. According to the responsible people for the schools encompassed by the Program, its importance comprehends educational performance, reading and writing incentives, and the conscience within the school community of human values and strengthening of citizenship.
The future of the EDP Program in Schools
The purpose of this program is to allow schools access to the necessary school material so that the training of teachers becomes a priority, and also, to enable the promotion of educational, cultural, and sustainability plans of action. Only in this way will it be possible to ensure that every child has the necessary tools to build their future and that teachers will have every condition to exercise their professions and keep inspiring future generations. The great perspective for the future is to keep supporting schools in need, to make a difference in the lives of both teachers and students, to provide good conditions to work and to study, and to have it translated into a substantial improvement in everyone’s quality of life. EDP will continue to work, together with its partners, with its vision set in a more righteous, more aware, and greener future.